Khanh Viet Corporation is doing great efforts to overcome difficulties and challenges to maintain production during Covid-19 pandemic

This year, Khanh Viet Corporation (Khatoco) celebrated its 38th anniversary while Vietnam was severely hit by the fourth wave of Covid-19. In such difficult situation, this anniversary is an occasion for Khatoco to express its thankfulness to all employees as well as to look back on its achievements in order to motive itself for overcoming difficulties and challenges to develop.

In 2021, Vietnam in general and Khatoco in particular have faced unprecedented difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. During 38 years of establishment and development, this year Khatoco’s production and business activities have been affected most. However, with the spirit of a leading unit, strong will and solidarity among leadership and employees, Khatoco has gradually overcome difficulties to maintain production and business activities, stabilize employees’ lives and fulfill assigned duties at the highest level.

Khatoco celebrates its 38th anniversary (October 4, 1983 – October 4, 2021)

In 2020, despite facing many difficulties and challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Khatoco achieved breakthrough targets: Consolidated revenue of VND 6,828 billion, reaching 91% of the plan; national budget contribution of VND 2,448 billion, reaching 87% of the target assigned by the province; consolidated pre-tax profit of VND 304.6 billion, reaching 114% of the plan; export turnover of USD 43.2 million, reaching 100% of the plan. Average income of employees was VND 12.5 million/person/month. The number of employees was 3,080 persons.

In 2021, the pandemic has become more serious and spread over the country.  The prolonged social distancing has seriously affected all fields of production and business. 7 out of 15 subsidiaries of Khatoco with 1900 employees have arranged to work at the production sites to maintain production. 5 out of 15 subsidiaries have worked moderately to maintain their facilities. 3 out of 15 subsidiaries had to stop working. In spite of difficulties and challenges, Khatoco is making great effort to achieve the targets in 2021: Consolidated revenue of VND 6,552 billion, equaling 94% of the same period, reaching 99% of the plan; export turnover of USD 33.5 million, equaling 83% of the same period, reaching 84% of the plan; pre-tax profit of VND 242 billion, equaling 80% of the same period, reaching 95% of the plan; state budget payment of VND 2,250 billion, equal to 95% of the plan.

Khatoco implements the “3 on the spot” production measure to maintain the manufacture. 

In order to achieve dual goals of ensuring the safety and health of employees as well as maintaining production and business activities, Khatoco has promptly implemented strong and decisive measures to control the pandemic; strictly following the “5k” message and performing vaccination against Covid-19 for employees. Up to October 2021, all of Khatoco’s employees were fully vaccinated. During the time of social distancing, Khatoco has quickly implemented the “3 on the spot “production measure to maintain the manufacture.

Khatoco’s employees are being vaccinated against Covid-19.

Responding to the Prime Minister’s call for vaccines against Covid-19 for all Vietnamese people, Khatoco has donated VND 1 billion to join hands with the whole country to fight against Covid-19 pandemic

Khatoco donates VND 1 billion to the Covid-19 Vaccine Fund

Khatoco’s leadership have predicted that the pandemic is still complicated and will continue during the year 2022. In order to survive and achieve new successes, Khatoco’s collective must act faster, more strongly and positively to find solutions to overcome difficulties to go ahead.  

Trang E industrial cluster has being completed to open the new future for Khatoco.

Whenever Khatoco faces difficult situations, the trong will, determination, ability, effort and solidarity among Khatoco’s leadership and employees are clearly demonstrated. Overcoming many difficulties and challenges, Khatoco employees have the right to be proud of achievements during the past 38 years. Turning to the new age, Khatoco will continues to enhance the value ​​that have been built by generations, be innovative and creative to overcome difficulties and challenges for new successes.