Khanh Viet Corporation offers house to poor household in Suoi Cat commune, Cam Lam district, Khanh Hoa province

On the morning of May 28, 2022, in Suoi Cat commune, Cam Lam district, Khanh Viet Corporation (Khatoco) in collaboration with Khanh Hoa Newspaper to organize a ceremony to offer a new house to the poor household of Mr. Moong Van Nhuan.

The house has the total area of 50m2, solidly built with concrete walls, corrugated iron roof, tiled floor, including one living room, two bedrooms, one kitchen and one bathroom. The construction cost is VND130 million of which VND100 million funded by Khatoco.

Representatives of sponsors and the local authority carry out the ceremony to offer the new house to Mr. Moong Van Nhuan’s family.

At the ceremony, Mr. Tran Xuan Tay – Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Cam Lam District expressed his thanks for the timely care and support from Khatoco and Khanh Hoa Newspaper to help Mr. Nhuan’s family have a new, warm and spacious house to stabilize their lives. On this occasion, he presented Mr. Nhuan’s family a television.

Leaders of the Party Committee of Cam Lam District offer gift to Mr. Moong Van Nhuan’s family.
The Representative of Khanh Viet Corporation (leftmost) and other sponsors offer gifts to Mr. Moong Van Nhuan’s family.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tuyen – Vice Chairman of Trade Union of Khanh Viet said that he was very happy to give this meaningful house to Mr. Moong Van Nhuan’s family and hoped that Mr. Nhuan’s family would have more motivation to work to rise out of poverty. He also thanked Khanh Hoa Newspaper, Leaders of Cam Lam district and Suoi Cat commune for making favorable conditions for Khatoco to perform its social responsibility to the community and society.

In the coming time, Khatoco hopes to continue the coordination with Khanh Hoa Newspaper to offer more houses to other families in need.

Mr. Moong Van Nhuan’s family and their new house